
We offer a range of NHS GP Services.

Family Planning

Our doctors and nurses offer contraceptive advice and care. Dr Parker performs coil fitting. Telephone the surgery for more details.

New Sexual Health Service Available:

Opening times: Thursday 3pm to 5pm - Young Person's appointment only clinic


  • Emergency contraception
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Depo Provera injection
  • Chlamydia tests and treatments
  • Routine STI testing (for people with no symptoms)
  • Free condoms

Other services may be available – please call Booking Line to check 01904 721111

You can visit online at for more information.

You can also contact Tees Sexual Health on 0300 3301122

Cervical Cytology (Smear) Appointments

This service is provided by our practice nurse team.  These appointments can be booked online via NHS App or your online services.  You can alsi contact the surgery by telephone between the hours of 9am and 6pm to arrange an appointment.

Long Term Conditions Reviews

Our nurses and clinical team provide reviews for Asthma, COPD, hypertension, CHD, Mental Health problems, Diabetes, Dementia 

Minor Surgery

The practice offers minor surgery appointments and cryosurgery clinics (i.e. the controlled destruction of unwanted tissues, moles, warts etc by the application of extreme cold.)

Appointments for these clinics or further information speak to the reception staff who will either book you an appointment for the necessary clinic or make you an appointment with one of our health care professionals to discuss your options.


The practice has a physiotherapist which can see any musculoskeletal conditions or problems - her appointments can be booked directly with her online or by telephoning the practice.

Other Available Services

  • Anticoagulation (INR) & Other Drug Monitoring
  • Near Patient Testing
  • Advice and monitoring assistance

Travel Vaccinations

If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.



Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.